Yes, we offer a number of different Spa Packages that feature a specific focus whether it be for special attention to a part of your body, a more comprehensive experience, for recovery after a special event or hard workout or many others.
We have a wide variety of special event options and special services that we can tailor for you or your group. Please call us at 970-368-6407 or email to for more information.
Yes we offer a 10% discount on massage services to Frisco and Summit County residents with proof of residency.
Yes we offer a 15% discount on massage services to Frisco Inn on Galena guests from the day of arrival throughout the day of departure.
Currently we offer two types of couples massage. For Frisco Inn on Galena Guests who are staying in our premium Signature King Room 103 or King Tower Room 207, we offer couples massage in-guest room. For all others, we offer couples massage in our Spa. These couples massage (except for in-guest room services), are done at the same appointment times, in two separate treatment rooms in the spa. There is an additional fee for in-guest room massage.
Yes we do. All Frisco Inn on Galena guests may receive a massage in their guest room. There is an additional fee for in-room massage.
We use a secure payment system for all of our bookings. You will receive a SMS text and also an email when you book a service. In order to confirm your appointment you need to enter your payment information immediately upon receiving these links. If you do not confirm your booking within one hour of making your booking, we will release it for another guest.
We suggest you arrive at least 10 minutes prior to your appointment time. This ensures you have time to complete an intake form and relax before beginning your treatment.
To book online we require at least a one hour advance notice from the time the appointment begins. If you require a close-in booking of less than one hour, please call us at 970-368-6407 to confirm availability.
Yes! Please inform your therapist about any physical, medical or allergy concerns you may have. When completing the intake form also please detail any concerns you may have to prompt the therapist to speak with you about them.
Cancellations must be at least 48 hours in advance of the beginning of your appointment to avoid a fee. If you cancel less than 48 hours prior to your appointment time, we will charge your card on file 50% of your appointment amount. If you do not call us at least 2 hours prior to your appointment or if you are a no show you will be charged 100%.
If you are a guest of Frisco Inn on Galena, please leave all jewelry and valuables in your room. For spa guests who are not staying at the Inn, we have lockers available or there is ample space in the treatment room to store your belongings during your treatment, which ever you prefer.
We do not offer a space for children in the spa area. Our ‘Relaxation Room’ is for those 18 and over.
Guests under 16 must always be accompanied by a responsible adult while in the spa to receive a massage treatment. If a guest under 16 receives a treatment they must always be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian while preparing for, during, and after treatment. Guests under 18 must have a parent or legal guardians signature on the intake form.
Our spa environment is one of tranquility and relaxation. Our Spa is a technology-free zone. Please respect all spa guests' right to privacy and serenity. Please turn off all cellular phones and pagers while in the spa area and please keep voices to a whisper.
Tipping is optional and our therapists recognize that a gratuity is recognition of exceptional service. The customary gratuity in the industry is 20% if you are satisfied with your service. If you were not satisfied with your service, please contact Bruce, our spa owner at 970-368-6407 or so that we can make sure to address your concern.
If you wish to request a therapist by name, or if you prefer only a male or female therapist, make sure to put this request in the booking notes when you make you booking so that we can do our best to accommodate your request. If we have further questions in order to meet your request we will contact you.
Yes absolutely! Our therapists are delighted to focus extra care on any areas of your body that need special attention.
Our spa environment is one of tranquility and relaxation. Please respect all spa guests' right to privacy and serenity. Please turn off all cellular phones and pagers while in the spa area and please keep voices to a whisper.
Each of our clients may only enter the treatment room once the therapist has invited them to do so.
No other person may enter or be present in the treatment room except the therapist and client (except for a parent accompanying a minor during treatment).
Clients must exit the treatment room within 5 minutes of the conclusion of service in order to prepare the room for the next client.
Here is our suggested after care following your massage in order to gain the most benefits:
- Drink water – water is the best ingredient for not only hydrating, but also facilitating our body’s ability to heal itself, assisting in getting lactic acid and other toxins out of our soft tissues. The knots and constrictions your massage therapist just helped release will tend to bind right back up if you’re not drinking a higher quantity of water after your massage.
- Stretch – taking some extra time to stretch and lengthen the muscles and fascia, after your massage therapist just released adhesions and increased blood and lymph circulation, is a fantastic way to realign the body, training your nervous system to allow improved range of motion and assist in quicker soft tissue recovery.
- Eat – if you feel lightheaded, disorientated, or even experience slight nausea after a therapeutic massage session, it might be a good idea to consume a small, healthy snack – maybe bring one with you for just after your session. Remember, massage increases blood and lymph circulation, thereby also improving digestion. Along those same lines, it is not recommended to go into your massage session just after a big, heavy meal, which may result in general discomfort, feeling gassy, or even the need to interrupt your massage session with a trip to the bathroom! The more ideal healthy snacks could include fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds – water-containing foods that will also help with hydrating the tissues and quicker, more thorough recovery.
- Rest – it is very important to allow the body and tissues that were just worked through time to rest and heal after your massage session, even if you feel more energized afterward. Flushing out lactic acid and other toxins utilizes energy, even if we don’t realize it right away. Certainly, life sometimes doesn’t like to slow down for us, but it is not generally recommended to schedule appointments immediately following your treatment. Ideally, you want to set your massage session on a day when you have a lighter schedule, gifting yourself with additional time to rest or nap, prolonging your deep, relaxed state of mind and body for as long as possible.
- Soak – enjoying a bath is one great way to rest after your amazing massage session! Adding Epsom salts (magnesium sulphate) to the bathwater may further assist in releasing those toxins and relieving pain and/or soreness post-massage. Magnesium is needed for over 300 biochemical reactions in our bodies at the cellular level, helping with balancing our nervous system, proper muscle function, improved immunity, keeping our bones strong, as well as regulating blood glucose level and heart rate.
- Contrast hydrotherapy – whether acute or chronic, sometimes the body has a difficult time healing from injury as quickly as we would like. If mild inflammation (swelling) is present after your massage session, applying a cool/cold compress can help calm the area down and ease the swelling. In the case of more chronic muscle tension, where there is no inflammation, but the tissue doesn’t seem to want to “let go”, a warm/hot compress will help infuse the area with a fresh blood supply, further hydrating the tissue, allowing it to calm and more easily release. If find you are experiencing both symptoms simultaneously, Contrast Hydrotherapy can be quite beneficial, utilizing both cold and hot compresses – generally a good rule of thumb is to apply the cold compress first for not more than 15 minutes, then apply the hot compress for half that time, finishing with one more cold compress, the same amount of time as the first.
- Allow emotions – it is normal to experience unexpected emotions that may come up post-massage. Our tissues can hang onto traumas, injuries, and stressors from our past and present, and when your massage therapist helps release the soft tissues of your body, these can sometimes want to release as well just like the lactic acid and other toxins. It could be highly beneficial to notice and listen more intently to these feelings, find a safe space for yourself, and allow them to arise and process out of the body in a nurturing, unharmful way. This is a wonderful opportunity to tune in more deeply to your mind and spirit and honor your body for doing all that it does for you and others every day out in the world!
- Communicate with your massage therapist – it is not normal to be sore or in pain for several days after your massage, nor to see heavy bruising of the skin. If you notice these symptoms, it is possible your massage therapist worked the soft tissues too deeply for your body – even if it “feels fine” during the session. You should always feel comfortable in letting your massage therapist know at any moment if the pressure is too deep, and/or if you experience long-lasting symptoms of soreness, pain, and/or bruising. No two bodies are exactly alike, so communicating these details also helps your therapist to genuinely customize your massage experience!

106 Galena Street
Frisco, Colorado 80443