What to Do After a Massage: Top Tips for Prolonging the Benefits

Getting a massage can be a rejuvenating and relaxing experience, but what you do afterward is just as important as the massage itself. Proper post-massage care can enhance the benefits and ensure that you feel maximum relief and relaxation. Here’s a detailed guide on what to do after a massage. At MT Royal Spa, we offer a range of key services designed to complement your massage experience. By following our after-massage tips and taking advantage of our spa services, you can maximize the benefits of your massage and continue to enjoy a state of tranquility.

What Happens to Your Body After a Massage?

The massage promotes increased blood circulation, releases muscle tension, and stimulates the lymphatic system, which helps in detoxifying your body. These changes can lead to feelings of lightheadedness or even mild soreness as your body adjusts and begins to heal. Understanding these changes is crucial to implementing effective after-massage care. So, what happens to your body after a massage?

Increased Blood Circulation

One of the primary benefits of a massage is improved blood circulation. This increase in blood flow helps to deliver more oxygen and nutrients to your muscles, aiding in their recovery and reducing soreness.

Lymphatic Stimulation

The massage also stimulates the lymphatic system, which removes toxins from the body. Enhanced lymphatic flow helps detoxify and boost the immune system.

Release of Muscle Tension

Massages target muscle knots and tension points, helping to release tight muscles. This release can increase flexibility and reduce pain, but it might also cause temporary soreness as your muscles adjust. Effective post-massage care is essential to manage this soreness and maximize the benefits of your massage. By following proper post-massage care practices, you can help your muscles recover more quickly and continue to enjoy the full benefits of your treatment.

Best Tips After a Massage: Expert Advice for Post-Treatment Care

To make the most out of your massage, follow these essential tips after a massage to make the most of your experience. A massage can leave you feeling relaxed, rejuvenated, and free of tension, but what you do afterward is crucial for maintaining those benefits. Proper massage aftercare can help extend the feeling of relaxation, reduce soreness, and enhance the overall therapeutic effects.


Drinking plenty of water after a massage is crucial. Hydration helps to flush out the toxins that have been released during the massage and keeps your muscles hydrated, reducing soreness. Aim to drink at least two to three glasses of water within the first hour after your massage, and continue to sip water throughout the day. Proper hydration is a key component of effective after-massage care. Additionally, staying hydrated can help prevent headaches and fatigue that may occur as your body processes the released toxins.


Allow your body some time to rest and absorb the benefits of the massage. Avoid strenuous activities or heavy workouts immediately after a massage to prevent any strain on your muscles. Giving yourself time to rest can help your body to fully integrate the relaxation and muscle relief that the massage provides. Consider taking a short nap or lying down with a good book to extend the sense of calm and rejuvenation.

Eat Light

Can you eat after a massage? Yes, but opt for a light, nutritious meal. Heavy or greasy foods can slow down your digestion and make you feel lethargic. Eating after a massage should be balanced and healthy to aid in your body’s recovery. Fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains are excellent choices. Don’t eat heavily after massage, as your body is in a state of relaxation, and these meals might disrupt this balance.

Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine

One of the best things to do after a massage is to avoid alcoholic and caffeine beverages. Both alcohol and caffeine can dehydrate your body and counteract the benefits of the massage. Stick to water or herbal teas to stay hydrated and promote healing. These substances can also interfere with your body’s natural detoxification processes, making it harder for your body to expel the toxins released during the massage.


Gentle stretching can help maintain the flexibility gained from the massage and prevent your muscles from tightening up again. Simple stretches for the areas worked on during your massage can prolong the benefits and enhance your range of motion. Focus on slow, deliberate movements and avoid overstretching to ensure you do not strain your muscles. Additionally, if you’re wondering, "Can I go for a walk after a massage?" - a gentle walk can be a great way to stay active without overexerting yourself. Just make sure it's a light stroll to complement your post-massage care rather than a vigorous workout.


Wondering, "Can I shower after a massage?" A warm shower can help to relax your muscles further, but avoid hot showers or baths as they can cause inflammation. A lukewarm shower is ideal for post-massage care. The warm water can soothe any lingering tension, while the gentle pressure of the shower can simulate the effects of the massage.

Monitor Your Body

Paying attention to how your body feels is the best thing to do after a massage. If you experience any unusual pain or discomfort, consider speaking to your massage therapist for advice. Noting how you feel can help your therapist adjust future sessions to better suit your needs and enhance your overall experience.

Stay Comfortable

Wear loose, comfortable clothing after your massage. Tight or restrictive clothing can impede blood flow and negate some of the benefits of your massage. Soft, breathable fabrics will allow your skin to breathe and keep you feeling relaxed and comfortable.

Use a Heat Pack

Another best thing to do after a massage is to apply a warm heat pack. Put it in any areas that still feel tense; it can provide additional relief and help your muscles relax further. Heat therapy can enhance circulation and reduce any remaining stiffness or soreness.

By following these tips after a massage, you can ensure that you continue to feel relaxed, rejuvenated, and free of tension. Proper after-massage care is essential to maximizing the benefits and maintaining your overall well-being.

Post-Massage Care with MT Royal Spa

At MT Royal Spa, we are dedicated to providing a unique experience of relaxation and freedom from everyday stress. Our highly experienced therapists are trained in various unique modalities, including bioelectric therapy and Thai herbal massage, ensuring you receive top-notch care.

We understand that post-massage care is crucial for long-lasting benefits. Soon, we will offer yoga sessions to further enhance your relaxation experience, and our herbal tea bar will provide a soothing environment for you to enjoy a cup of tea before or after your massage.

Our therapists use various tools to help guests relax and release any discomfort or trauma within the body and mind. They focus on creating a safe and comfortable space for you to address any issues that may arise during your visit. To ensure you get the most from your massage, it's important to know what you should do after a massage. All our therapists are legally accredited, licensed, and carry personal insurance with our location added to their coverage.

We prioritize creating a safe and sensitive space where clients feel welcomed and honored. By following our post-massage care tips and avoiding what you should not do after a massage, you can maximize the benefits of your treatment!