Discovering The Best Time to Get a Massage with Mt. Royal Spa

The Mt. Royal Spa is a peaceful hideaway located in the Frisco Inn on Galena, a cozy Boutique Inn and Bed & Breakfast. Our spa services are perfect for everyone, whether you're staying at the Inn, visiting the area, or living in Frisco and Summit County. In this tranquil oasis, we offer massage sessions that have many benefits for your body and mind. 

Whether you want to ease chronic pain, lower stress, or just take care of yourself, getting massages regularly can help you feel better. By figuring out the best time to get a massage, you can make sure each massage makes a real difference in how you feel. So, what is the best time of day for a massage? Join us as we explore the ideal frequency for your spa experience.

The Best Time of Day to Get a Massage: Maximizing the Benefits

The best time to get a massage depends largely on your personal objectives. Are you seeking to alleviate stress, enhance muscle recovery, or improve sleep quality? Your goals can significantly influence the ideal time for your session.

To Relieve Stress and Relax

An evening is the best time for a massage when you have a stressful day. This timing allows you to transition from the hustle and bustle of daily responsibilities into a state of serenity. An evening massage sets the stage for a night of restorative sleep, helping your body and mind to repair and rejuvenate. It's like pressing the reset button, preparing you for a fresh start the next day. Moreover, arranging regular evening time for massages can have cumulative benefits for managing stress levels and enhancing overall well-being.

To Energize Your Day

Early morning massages are a secret weapon for invigorating your body and uplifting your spirits. Starting your day with a massage boosts circulation, increasing oxygen flow to the brain and muscles. After that, you'll feel more alert and ready to tackle your day. This can be particularly advantageous when you need an extra energy boost. Think of an early morning massage as a natural energizer, providing a clean slate and a buoyant mood to carry you through the day.

The Best Time for Massage After Workout

For active people or athletes, scheduling a massage post-exercise enhances physical recovery. This timing capitalizes on the body's warmed-up state, allowing for deeper and more effective muscle work. A post-activity massage helps to flush out toxins, reduce inflammation, and speed up recovery by increasing blood flow to the muscles. All this can help prevent delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Finding the best time for a massage after a workout is essential to any athlete's recovery arsenal, aiding in maintaining flexibility and reducing the risk of injury.

To Improve Sleep

An evening time for a massage can be a godsend for individuals battling insomnia or sleep disturbances. The soothing motions of a massage encourage the release of endorphins and the reduction of stress hormones. So, you are fostering a state of relaxation conducive to sleep. Massage therapy can help you transition more smoothly into deep sleep by lowering the heart rate and calming the nervous system. Regular sessions can improve sleep quality over time, offering a natural remedy for sleep issues.

Best Time for Different Massage Types 

The diversity of massage techniques available today offers a spectrum of benefits, each with its own ideal timing. Understanding the characteristics of different massage modalities can help you determine the best timing for a massage session, ensuring you reap the maximum rewards from your treatment. Here's a closer look at some popular massage techniques and their optimal timing:

  • Deep Tissue for Deep Recovery: Given its intensity and the potential for inducing short-term soreness, the best time for deep tissue massage is in the latter part of the day. And allow the body ample time to embark on the path to recovery without immediate physical demands.
  • Swedish Massage’s Versatility: As a gentler alternative, Swedish massage offers flexibility in scheduling. The evening is the perfect time for a massage that can enhance relaxation and facilitate stress relief.
  • Sports Massage’s Dual Timing: Catering to the specific needs of athletes, the best time for sports massage is before or after workouts. Pre-event massages warm up the muscles, while post-event sessions focus on recovery.
  • Aromatherapy for Psychological Relief: The essential oils in aromatherapy massages make this type ideal for any time. Evening sessions may provide an added benefit by setting the stage for a peaceful night’s sleep.

Morning or Evening: When Is The Best Time to Get a Massage? 

Whether it's better to get a massage in the morning or evening depends on your personal goals, lifestyle, and preferences. Here's how both timings can benefit you differently:

Morning Massage Benefits

  • Energizes Your Day: Starting your day with an early morning massage can boost your circulation and leave you refreshed and energized. It's a great way to kick off your day with a positive mindset.
  • Improves Focus: An early morning massage helps clear your mind and improve focus and productivity for the day ahead.
  • Enhances Mobility: If you have a physically demanding day ahead, a morning massage can increase flexibility and reduce the risk of injury by warming up your muscles.

Evening Massage Benefits

  • Relieves Stress: An evening is the best time for a massage that can help unwind and release the tension built up from daily activities.
  • Promotes Better Sleep: Evening massages are excellent for sleep issues. The relaxation induced by a massage can improve sleep quality by easing the transition into deeper sleep states.
  • Deepens Relaxation: Without the immediate need to return to work, an evening massage is the best time of day for a massage that provides calming effects.

The best time for a face and body massage is when it aligns with your personal needs and lifestyle. Experimenting with massages at different times of the day can help you determine what works best for you. And ensure you receive the maximum benefits massage therapy has to offer.

Can You Get a Massage After Eating?

Yes, you can get a massage after eating, but waiting a little while is generally recommended. Here are a few considerations to keep in mind.

Wait Time

Give It Time: The best time to get a massage is 1-2 hours after eating. This waiting period allows your body to digest the food, preventing any discomfort or nausea when lying on your stomach or back during the massage.

Type of Meal

Light vs. Heavy Meals: If you've only had a light snack or a small meal, you might not need to wait as long. However, giving your body more time to digest is wise to avoid discomfort after a large or heavy meal.

Massage Type

Consider the Massage Type when Choosing The Perfect Time for a Massage: The type of massage might also influence how comfortable you feel getting a massage after eating. For example, a gentle relaxation massage might be more forgiving than a deep tissue massage that applies pressure to the abdomen or other areas where you might feel discomfort if you've recently eaten.

Individual Differences

Know Your Body: Everyone's digestive system is unique, and some people may experience slower digestion. If you know you tend to feel full for longer periods of time, it's wise to allow extra time before your massage.

Previous Experiences

Reflect on past experiences to determine what the best time for massage works best for you. If you've felt discomfort when receiving a massage after eating in the past, it might be worth waiting a bit longer next time.

Summing Up: When to Get a Massage?

Finding the best time for a massage isn’t one-size-fits-all. It’s about what you need and when you can best fit it into your day. Whether to calm down, cheer up, or soothe sore muscles, scheduling at the right time can help you get the most out of your massage. So, consider what you need from your massage, and book it for the best time that suits those needs. Your body and mind will thank you!

Our team of skilled therapists is here to help you determine the best time to get a massage, considering what you need and how you live your life. 

Call us, and we’ll find your best time for a massage together!